
LBC 2021 Gala Day Report

LBC 2021 Gala Day Report

On the afternoon of Friday 27th August, Loughton Bowls Club held its annual Gala Day where everyone comes dressed in something red, white and blue. This year’s event was again generously sponsored by Daniel Robinson & Sons, with Joanne and Seamus Setterfield...

LBC Finals Report 2021

LBC Finals Report 2021

Loughton Bowls Club Finals Report for 2021 This year’s Club Finals were held over three days on 10th, 11th and 12th September. Despite heavy rain on the Friday morning, the two finals scheduled for Friday afternoon were able to go ahead. The green was bowling...

Gala Day

Gala Day

We had a very successful and enjoyable Gala Day on Sunday 11 August. The weather was just right and there was a lovely atmosphere. Everyone wore red, white and blue and there was bunting in the hall to add to the festive feel. During the lunch break we had a barbecue...

Ladies Open Day

Our Ladies Open Day held on July 7 was a great success. 64 ladies played four games of seven ends each. The atmosphere was great and well done to Connaught for coming first and Writtle for taking second place. We were fortunate that the weather was just right. We all...

Bowls Season

The bowls season is well under way now and the weather has been kind to us this year. We have a number of bowls events to look forward to. On 28 July we have the Charity Two Wood competition and on August 7 the Ladies Two Wood. These are always popular events. On...